Why Just Travel
When You Can Have An
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199 Pages — $17
ISBN: 978-1-7373066-0-3
Ever feel like you’ve
‘been there, done that’?
If so, this book is for you. Because it's a safe bet there are still some things you’ve always wanted to do. And Extraordinary Experiences has details about how you can make those long-held dreams a reality. In short, think of Extraordinary Experiences as a guidebook to more than 60 true once-in-a-lifetime adventures.

Inside you’ll learn:
- What it’s like to be a fighter pilot, if only for a day;
- Where you can come face-to-face with grizzly bears;
- How your kids can battle Star Wars storm troopers;
- When a parade can be a totally mind-blowing experience;
- Who can help you create your own unique fragrance;
- Why 40,000 hot-rodders converge on one street, one day a year.

About Alan Rider
As a veteran travel writer, my adventure stories have appeared in dozens of magazines and guidebooks over the course of my 30-year career. After growing bored with seeing the same tired recountings of the same run-of-the-mill activities, I began researching — and living out — dozens of true once-in-a-lifetime adventures. The best part is now, with this guidebook in hand, you can too! Bottom line: There are all kinds of extraordinary experiences out there. So what are you waiting for?
Contact Me!
Got a great story of your own extraordinary experience? Some once-in-a-lifetime adventure you’ve always wanted to have? By all means, tell me about it. Sharing is caring!
Extraordinary Experiences
The Blog

Rules Of The Road: Route 66
If I was to lay out my list of most memorable extraordinary experiences, road-trips would occupy some of the top…

Must-Do Animal Encounters
There are few extraordinary experiences that are as memorable as getting up-close-and-personal with wildlife. What you may not have realized,…

Favorite Adrenaline Adventures
As someone who’s had more than his share of truly extraordinary experiences, I often get asked “What’s the coolest thing…